E-Commerce Marketing The Right Way

using correct e-commerce marketing for your business

COVID-19 Pandemic Paving Way for E-commerce Virtual Assistants

e-commerce affected by global pandemic

Electronic commerce or (e-commerce) has become more important recently. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it crucial for people to stay at home, shop online, and utilize delivery service more often.

Moreover, to continue providing for the household’s basic needs, a great part of the work force has shifted to homebased employment, and for the most part, assumed the roles of virtual assistants.

A Shortage of Digital Marketing Experts

A lot may worry about the increased competition due to the influx of people exploring the virtual assistant role. However, the increased activity of e-commerce has also created multiple and varied jobs for a lot of people.

There is a long list of virtual assistant roles that can be assumed, but in light of the e-commerce surge, business owners are seeing the need for marketing experts to stay in the game.

Copywriting That Sells

While graphic designers and video editors are lucrative jobs in the digital marketing virtual assistant niche, a sales page copywriter can spell the difference between embarrassing a brand and having people hit the “like”, “subscribe”, or “add to cart” button.

Correct copywriting needs a structure and process to effectively catch a reader’s attention, speak to their emotions, make them understand how your product or service solves their problems, and lastly, make them act on whatever your call-to-action button says.

Features or Benefits?

A common mistake of businesses is bombarding a target market with numerous features of a product. Much like selling a gaming phone with advanced features to an elderly lady, businesses fail to nurture leads by pitching the sale too early. A good sales copy can definitely convert organic traffic to loyal customers.

This is not to dismiss the roles of other members of the marketing team as unimportant. Rather, it is to emphasize how collaboration can possibly multiply a business’s revenue significantly.

Can Average English Qualify me as a Sales Page Copywriter?

The answer is a resounding YES. Many perceive copywriting as something that would require advanced vocabulary. However, copywriting experts would disagree, and say that fifth-grader English is enough to make sure your target market is not left confused or alienated.

Moreover, copywriting is not all about writing lengthy articles. It can be as short as writing a catchy tag line in a Facebook Ad, a short product description, but can also be as lengthy as a lead nurturing email. It starts with understanding who your target market is.

A Lot of Opportunities

The end of the pandemic may still be far away, but e-commerce will definitely be a fixture in many people’s lives in the coming years. That being said, people should not also fail to see the opportunities that this crisis uncovers for us.

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